The Unity of the Church

June 14, 2015 Speaker: Mark Petersburg Series: A.D.: The Story Continues

This message completes this series from the first ten chapters of the book of Acts. One of the major themes in the remaining chapters is the unity of the church in the midst of the expanding Gospel reach throughout the Roman world. Challenges and conflict had to be dealt with to resolve issues that could have torn the young church apart. Leaders in the church demonstrated godly attitudes and actions, resulting in a unified church. The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the church continue. They continue to this day as God builds his church founded upon the cornerstone of Jesus Christ. And it is essential that we stand in unity.

More in A.D.: The Story Continues

June 7, 2015

Outside the Comfort Zone

May 31, 2015

The Power of a Life

May 24, 2015

The Power of a Story