We believe...
...The Scriptures (66 books), without error in the original manuscripts, are God’s infallible revelation. They are wholly true and reliable, and are the sole authority for faith and conduct.
...There is one true God, who is a self-existent, personal being, who is the origin of all things, external in His existence, and who transcends the whole creation while being immanent in it. God exists with one divine essence manifested in three distinct persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
...Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, tempted in all ways as we are, yet without sin. He was the perfect and final substitutionary sacrifice for sin, bodily raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father, forever interceding for us.
...The Holy Spirit is the divine author of Scripture. In relation to salvation, He convicts of sin, regenerates, seals, baptizes and indwells the believer. In relation to sanctification, the Holy Spirit teaches God’s Word, convicts of sin, intercedes, reveals God’s will, assures of salvation, fills and empowers, and transforms the believer into the image of Christ.
...Man, created in the image of God, chose to disobey, falling under the penalty of sin – death and condemnation – bringing judgment to the entire human race. As a result, every person is born spiritually dead and is, by nature, a sinner.
...Salvation is by God’s grace appropriated through faith, wherein God declares the believing sinner righteous, setting the believer apart for God’s purposes and enabling him or her towards moral and spiritual maturity through the presence and power of the indwelling Spirit.
...The universal church, consisting of all believers from Pentecost until the rapture, exists to reflect the glory of Christ, represent the person of Christ, and fellowship with Christ forever. The local church is an assembly of believers who are self-supporting and self-governing, and who meet regularly for prayer, fellowship, worship, the study of God’s Word, and the observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
...The Scriptures make certain these prophetic events: the rapture of the church, the judgment seat of Christ, the marriage feast of the Lamb, the tribulation, the bodily return of Christ to judge the nations and reign in a literal millennial kingdom, the final defeat of Satan, the Great White Throne judgment for unbelievers, the establishment of a new heaven and new earth, and the believer’s enjoyment of eternal blessings with Christ.