When God Asks You To Do Something Scary
March 23, 2014 Speaker: Mark Petersburg Series: Promises, Promises - The Journey Home
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This message takes the journey with Israel across the Jordan River. What a scary time for the nation! They are entering the unknown, the unfamiliar, the uncertain. They certainly had grounds for fear. But God calls the nation to exercise faith – truth in Him. Israel’s experience gives insight into the confidence, courage and conviction of God’s people and their response of faith while providing for us today the same encouragement to trust in the God who never changes.
More in Promises, Promises - The Journey Home
April 13, 2014
Final FarewellsApril 6, 2014
When God Asks You to Do Something SlowlyMarch 30, 2014
When God Asks You To Do Something Silly (TEXT ONLY)