Why Jesus Had To Die (Part 1)
February 7, 2021 Speaker: Mark Petersburg Series: The Book of John
Passage: John 18–19
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In the Gospel of John, chapters 18 and 19, the Apostle John recorded the final events in Jesus’ earthly life before the resurrection – events that include his arrest, his trials, and his execution. This message begins to explore an issue that has been raised by some who discredit and discount biblical Christianity. It has to do with why Jesus had to die. These critics find it beneath their “God” to sacrifice his only Son. “How is that fair?” they ask. “What kind of God would do that?” To answer those questions, we must explore both the Old and New Testament. Only in revealed truth can we begin to understand the cross – the meaning of the cross, the significance of the cross, and the necessity of the cross.
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