Six Ways To Discover Your Spiritual Gifts


Six Ways To Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace” — 1 Peter 4:10 ESV



1 Peter 4:10 assures believers that each has received a gift from God to serve one another, emphasizing the importance of using these gifts responsibly in the context of the local church. If you're a follower of Jesus, you've been gifted by God and are called to serve. However, discovering your spiritual gift can be challenging, and even after discovery, knowing how best to use your gift(s) can feel daunting. This article will discuss six ways to help you understand how God has gifted you for service in the local church.

1. Pray

The first step in discovering your spiritual gift is to pray. Seek God's guidance, asking Him to reveal how He has gifted you. The presence of the Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in this process, and as you seek God earnestly, you'll be surprised at how eager your heavenly father is to answer that prayer.

2. Talk to Others

Engage in conversations with mature believers who know you well and have observed your life. Others may provide valuable insights into your spiritual gifts that you might not have considered. Their perspectives can be eye-opening!

3. Serve in Different Ways

Explore your spiritual gifts by serving in various ministries such as children, youth, hospitality, missions, etc. This hands-on approach will provide insights into what aligns with your abilities and what doesn't. Be patient, as some roles may take time to reveal if they are the right fit for you. However, ensure you communicate with ministry leaders about your season of discovery and set a timeframe for your service commitment.

4. Take an Assessment

Consider using a spiritual gifts assessment or inventory, such as this one offered by Lifeway []. While these tools can be helpful, they should be used in conjunction with prayer, talking to others, and practical service experiences. Be cautious not to manipulate the results and recognize that these assessments are not perfect but can be a valuable part of the discovery process.

5. Reflect: What Breaks Your Heart?

Take time for self-reflection by considering what issues in the world break your heart or what you wish was different. These reflections can be clues to how God might be calling you to use your spiritual gifts.

6. Reflect: What Fires You Up?

What is the good in the world, that could be, that you get excited about? Personally, this is one of the ways that I knew God was calling me into ministry. Years ago, I became passionate about youth ministry. If God could capture someone's heart at 13 years old, it would change the direction of their entire life. That excited me, and it was a part of the process of God calling me into vocational ministry. Again, what is the good in the world, that could be, that YOU get excited about? This could be where God is calling you to use your spiritual gifts for meaningful service.


As a believer in Jesus, you have been given a spiritual gift! Praise God! Seek the Lord through prayer, engage with others, serve in different capacities, take assessments cautiously, and reflect on what moves your heart and ignites your passion. Discovering and using your spiritual gift in the local church can make a significant difference in the lives of others. Don't wait—God has a purpose for you!

I'm cheering for you!

Pastor Chris


Service/Helps is one of my spiritual gifts. I feel like I have a need to serve others and people have a need to be served. I think self-reflection on what I value and what I can contribute, is what lead me to understanding service as a spiritual gift. It was also helpful talking to friends and family around me and taking spiritual gift surveys like the one you recommend.
What has helped you discover your spiritual gift?

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