Painfully Exposed For The Sake Of Grace

December 30, 2018 Speaker: Elijah Hearin

Passage: Isaiah 1:1–20

"The message of the book of Isaiah is one of judgement and salvation. In Isaiah 1:1-20 we find a summary of this message in its entirety as the prophet Isaiah calls the nation of Judah to bring their sinful heart out of hiding and into the hands of the Lord. The relevancy and need for this message is not to be confined to the 8th century, when it was first spoken. Rather, Isaiah’s message is to be heeded to today, for all men and women being out of alignment with God tend to hide themselves from Him, yet there is no reason to do so. God wants our hearts, and if we would only turn to Him, He will bring us into the joy unending of being brought back into alignment with Him."